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Alibaba Cloud Professional Certifications

Alibaba Cloud professional certification validates and demonstrates your technical expertise in Cloud Computing, Big Data and Security.

Cloud Computing

Big data


Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate (ACA)

Foundational certification for cloud practitioner and beginner who desires to enter cloud world.

ACA Cloud Computing Associate

Designed for beginners in cloud computing and junior engineers.

USD 120.00USD 200.00

ACA Big Data Associate

Designed for big data engineers seeking knowledge of big data concepts.

USD 120.00USD 200.00

ACA Cloud Security Associate

Designed for personnel who can use Security products for software and operations.

USD 120.00USD 200.00

Alibaba Cloud Certified Professional (ACP)

Professional certification for experienced cloud architects, engineers, developers and operators.

ACP Cloud Computing Professional

Designed for anyone familiar with cloud computing.

USD 120.00USD 200.00

ACP Big Data Professional

Designed for individuals with expertise in Big Data.

USD 120.00USD 200.00

ACP Cloud Security Professional

Designed for security engineers who have experience in applying security operations.

USD 120.00USD 200.00

Alibaba Cloud Certified Expert (ACE)

Expert certification for those who are highly experienced in a special technical field.

ACE Cloud Computing Expert

​​​​​Designed for experts who are proficient in Alibaba Cloud computing products.

USD 168.00USD 280.00

ACE Big Data Expert

Designed for experts who are proficient in Alibaba Cloud big data products.

USD 168.00USD 280.00

ACE Cloud Security Expert

Coming Soon

English | 150 minutes

Coming soon

Apsara Clouder Technical Certifications

A light-weight certification aims to help trainees to quickly understand a technique and learn how to use it as a practical skill.

Cloud Computing Technical Certifications
Big Data Technical Certifications