DevOps Career Learning Path
In efforts to improve your e-commerce or online business, you will not only learn the fundamental philosophies of DevOps workflow, but also learn about the processes and tools needed to release software faster and more reliably, while obtaining industry standard certificates boosting your professional cloud credibility.
Becoming an Alibaba Certified DevOps Engineer
  • 01Suggested Free Videos
  • 02Pass 10 out of 12 DevOps Clouder Certification Courses
  • 03Obtain the DevOps Certificate
DevOps Course List
Boost your e-commerce and online business: From free videos to Clouder certification courses
Free Videos
  • Container Registry in 10 mins

    Container Registry allows you to manage images throughout the image lifecycle providing secure image management and stable image creation.

  • DevOps on Alibaba Cloud

    Learn a brief history of DevOps and understand how a well implemented DevOps practice can accelerate your business and product development.

  • Use Terraform to Deploy on Container Service

    Terraform is an open-source resource orchestration tool that supports multi-platform cloud deployments.

Beginner Certificate Courses
Beginner Certificate Courses Package
What is DevOps and CI/CD?
USD 0.04USD 40.00
Beginner Certificate Courses Package
What is DevOps and CI/CD?
USD 0.04USD 40.00
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  • An Introduction of DevOps
    In this clouder course, you’ll learn the concept and history of DevOps, how it works compared with traditional methodology, tools that support DevOps and recap the ideas with some classic case studies. Learn more >
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  • Achieve CI&CD with Jenkins
    This course details the features and benefits of Jenkins software and also the installation of Jenkins based on Ubuntu operating system. Learn more >
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  • Introduction to Docker Container
    introduces the basic concepts and features of docker container technology, then showes the steps of basic installation and some frequently used commands Learn more >
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  • How to Achieve Automated Cloud Resource Orchestration with Terraform
    This course introduces the concepts related to resource configuration & orchestration automation, and installation and configuration of the popular resource automation tool Terraform. Learn more >
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Intermediate Certificate Courses
Intermediate Certificate Courses Package
Container Service on Alibaba Cloud
USD 0.04USD 40.00
Intermediate Certificate Courses Package
Container Service on Alibaba Cloud
USD 0.04USD 40.00
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  • An Introduction to Application Containerization
    This course teaches application containerization, the layering theory of Docker image, the principle and common instructions of Dockerfile, common tools of application containerization, and how to deploy a containerized application. Learn more >
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  • Implement Blue-Green Deployment with Container Service
    Understand the basic differences between the container and the virtual machine environment, learn Kubernetes cluster's main components, and learn how to use deployment and service to apply blue-green release. Learn more >
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  • Using Kubernetes to Manage Containers and Cluster Resources
    This course outlines some key concepts of Kubernetes, the basic architecture of Kubernetes and how to build a Kubernetes cluster on the Alibaba cloud platform. Learn more >
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  • Using Swarm to Orchestrate and Manage Containers
    This course outlines some key concepts of Swarm, the basic architecture of Swarm and the use of Alibaba Cloud Container Service with Swarm. Learn more >
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Advanced Certificate Courses
Advanced Certificate Courses Package
Cloud monitoring and optimization
USD 0.04USD 40.00
Advanced Certificate Courses Package
Cloud monitoring and optimization
USD 0.04USD 40.00
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  • Use Log Service to Apply Log Management
    This course defines Log Service, the uses of Log Service on Alibaba Cloud, and how to apply Log Service on Alibaba Cloud to manage log data. Learn more >
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  • Alibaba Cloud Monitoring & Management
    This course mainly explains the functions and basic usage of two services:Alibaba Cloud ActionTrail and CloudMonitor. Learn more >
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  • Problem Diagnosis and Monitoring for Containerized Applications
    This course provides a reference for the operation, monitoring, maintenance and continuous improvement of containerized applications. Learn more >
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  • Performance Testing and Optimizing of Containerized Applications
    This course overviews the common methods, basic procedures, and common tools of performance testing and optimizing for containerized applications. Learn more >
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Apply for Your DevOps Certificate
After completing 10 out of the 12 above Clouder courses, you can apply for your Alibaba Cloud Certified DevOps Engineer Certificate. Click Apply Now and we will review your progress.

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Terms and Conditions
  • 1. One person may only obtain one Devops Engineer Certificate
  • 2. Discounts only apply to the packages offered, Clouders bought individually will be priced at the original price
  • 3. If you have already completed courses in the DevOps learning path they will be counted toward your certificate, users do not have to repurchase to complete the path
  • 4. Products and offline classes are sold separately from the clouder courses
  • 5. The free videos are strictly recommended, they are not required to obtain the DevOps certificate
  • 6. Refunds are not available for any clouder purchases