Bootcamp Introduction
Course CodeACB92003
Delivery Mode3 days (3 hours each day)
This bootcamp introduces all the fundamental skills required to maintain a data warehouse on Alibaba Cloud. Starting from basic first principles, you will learn how to create data warehouses using DataWorks and MaxCompute, and import data using Data Integration. This bootcamp includes several hands on exercises to help familiarize students with Alibaba Cloud’s Big Data platform.
Recommended For
IT personnel responsible for maintaining their team’s Big Data infrastructure.
Training Verification
- Hands-on lab exercises
- Daily quizzes
Training Outline
- Day One
☑ Introduction to Alibaba Cloud’s Big Data platform
☑ Scenario 1: Importing Data into MaxCompute (from MySQL)
☑ Large data import/export using the Tunnel CLI tool
☑ Scenario 2: Importing and exporting data from MaxCompute with Tunnel
☑ Daily Quiz
☑ Recap and Q&A - Day Two
☑ Hadoop on Alibaba Cloud: Introduction to E-MapReduce
☑ Scenarios 3: Run Hadoop Jobs On EMR
☑ Scenario 4: Run Spark Jobs On EMR
☑ Daily Quiz
☑ Recap and Q&A - Day Three
☑ Advanced topics: Data permissions, quality, and APIs
☑ Scenarios 5: Deploy A Data API Using Data Service
☑ Daily Quiz
☑ Recap and Q&A