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with the Alibaba Cloud Academy

Exclusive learning and career building resources offered by Alibaba Cloud

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    Student Cloud

    Alibaba Cloud is proud to empower students all around the world to become the next generation of IT and cloud professionals. Eligible university students will gain access to FREE cloud computing and e-learning resources.

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    Access online courses of cutting edge technologies and Alibaba Cloud solutions and best practices, such as Cloud Computing, Big Data, Security and AI.

Featured Coursework

Take our courses, master the Cloud and receive an Apsara Clouder Certification

Operate and Manage a Cloud Server

Understand the advantage of a cloud server. Learn how to purchase ECS on Alibaba Cloud, manage the server on our console, backup critical data and ensure your system can adjust according to business needs

45 minutes
Apsara Clouder Technical Certification

Become an Alibaba Cloud expert

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Machine Learning for Beginners - Linear Regression

This course is the first class of the Alibaba Cloud Machine Learning Algorithm QuickStart series, It mainly introduces the basic concept and algorithm principle of linear regression model, as well as the model evaluation metrics, explains and demonstrates a complete process of building linear regression analysis and prediction model in PAI, prepare for the knowledge associate with subsequent machine learning courses.

45 minutes
Apsara Clouder Technical Certification

Become an Alibaba Cloud expert

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An Introduction of DevOps

What is DevOps? Its a combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases a team’s ability to rapidly deliver services. In this clouder course, you’ll learn the concept and history of DevOps, how it works compared with traditional methodology, tools that support DevOps and recap the ideas with some classic case studies.

45 minutes
Apsara Clouder Technical Certification

Become an Alibaba Cloud expert

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Cloud Platform Security Overview

Learn about Alibaba Cloud's security products line and their design strategy. So this course aims to help you better understand the transition from traditional IT infrastructure to cloud infrastructure including current information security best practices and trends. You will get a clear understanding of how to use cloud platform to reduce security risks.

45 minutes
Apsara Clouder Technical Certification

Become an Alibaba Cloud expert

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Machine Learning Career Path

The Machine Learning Career Path teaches users about end-to-end machine learning services, including data processing, feature engineering, model training, model prediction, and model evaluation.

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