Community Blog Unlock Real-Time Insights: Analyze Redis Slow Logs with Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch and Rsbeat

Unlock Real-Time Insights: Analyze Redis Slow Logs with Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch and Rsbeat

This article outlines a step-by-step approach using Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch and Rsbeat to analyze Redis slow logs in real-time, enabling you to swiftly pinpoint and address issues.

In the digital era, where data is king, ensuring your applications perform at their peak is crucial. Redis, a high-performance key-value database, is widely adopted for its speed and efficiency. However, improper usage can lead to slow queries that affect overall performance. This article outlines a step-by-step approach using Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch and Rsbeat to analyze Redis slow logs in real-time, enabling you to swiftly pinpoint and address issues.


Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch is a fully-managed service compatible with open-source Elasticsearch features, providing a scalable and secure solution for real-time analytics. Rsbeat, a lightweight data shipper, collects and sends Redis slow logs to Elasticsearch, facilitating comprehensive analysis through Kibana visualizations.

Getting Started


1)Create an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster with Auto Indexing enabled. For setup details, visit Creating an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch Cluster.

2)Deploy an ApsaraDB for Redis instance and an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance within the same VPC for seamless integration. Remember to configure the IP address whitelist for ApsaraDB for Redis to allow ECS instance access.

Configuring Redis:

Configure the slow query parameters slowlog-log-slower-than and slowlog-max-len in your ApsaraDB for Redis instance to define what constitutes a slow log. For instance, setting slowlog-log-slower-than to 20000 captures commands taking longer than 20 milliseconds.

# Example parameters
slowlog-log-slower-than: 20000 # Log queries slower than 20 ms
slowlog-max-len: 100          # Keep the latest 100 slow logs

Installing and Configuring Rsbeat:

Download and install Rsbeat on your ECS instance:

wget https://github.com/Yourdream/rsbeat/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd rsbeat-master

Configure Rsbeat by editing the rsbeat.yml file, ensuring it points to your Redis and Elasticsearch instances:

  period: 10s
    endpoint: "your-redis-endpoint"
  slowerThan: 20000

  hosts: ["your-elasticsearch-endpoint"]
  username: "elastic"
  password: "your-password"

Start Rsbeat:

./rsbeat.linux.amd64 -c rsbeat.yml -e -d "*"

Analyzing Logs in Kibana

1)Log into the Kibana console of your Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster.

2)Create an index pattern rsbeat-* and set @timestamp as the time filter field.

3)Navigate to Discover to explore the detailed Redis slow logs.

4)Use Visualize to identify key patterns, such as the top 10 keys with the most significant number of slow logs.


Leveraging Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch and Rsbeat for real-time analysis of Redis slow logs empowers you to maintain optimal performance by quickly identifying and mitigating slow queries. The integration provides deep insights that are essential for ensuring your applications can handle high loads efficiently.

Ready to start your journey with Elasticsearch on Alibaba Cloud? Explore our tailored Cloud solutions and services to take the first step towards transforming your data into a visual masterpiece. Embark on Your 30-Day Free Trial

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