Community Blog Technical Guide: Migrating to Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch with Self-managed Logstash

Technical Guide: Migrating to Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch with Self-managed Logstash

This comprehensive tutorial will outline the necessary steps to migrate full or incremental data seamlessly.

Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch provides a powerful solution for searching, analyzing, and visualizing your data in real-time. For businesses looking to transition their self-managed Elasticsearch environments to Alibaba Cloud, utilizing Logstash presents an effective method of migration. This comprehensive tutorial will outline the necessary steps to migrate full or incremental data seamlessly.


  • Ensure that the self-managed Logstash cluster on Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances resides in the same VPC and can connect to both Elasticsearch clusters.
  • Perform full data migration initially if continuous data writes occur, followed by incremental migrations based on a timestamp or unique identifiers to avoid data loss or duplication.

Step-by-Step Migration with Logstash

Step 1: Preparations

Create an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster and deploy your self-managed clusters, including Logstash, on an ECS instance within the same VPC network.

Deploying a Self-Managed Elasticsearch Cluster:

1# Connect to ECS instance and become root user
2ssh root@your-ecs-instance-ip
4# Create and switch to the non-root user
5useradd elastic
6passwd elastic
7su -l elastic
9# Download and extract Elasticsearch
10wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.6.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
11tar -zvxf elasticsearch-7.6.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
13# Start the Elasticsearch cluster
14cd elasticsearch-7.6.2
15./bin/elasticsearch -d
17# Verify the cluster is running
18curl localhost:9200

Step 2: Migrate Metadata (Optional)

To maintain consistency, replicate the index metadata from the self-managed cluster to Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch before the actual data migration.

Creating Indexes with a Python Script:

1# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
3# Python script to create indices on the destination Elasticsearch cluster
5import httplib
6import json
7import base64
9# Old and new cluster connection information
10oldClusterHost, oldClusterUserName, oldClusterPassword = "localhost:9200", "elastic", "password"
11newClusterHost, newClusterUser, newClusterPassword = "es-cn-xxxx.aliyuncs.com:9200", "elastic", "password"
13# Define HTTP request function
14def httpRequest(method, host, endpoint, params="", username="", password=""):
15    # Other parts of the code...
17# Create index manually with settings and mappings retrieved from the old cluster
18def createIndex(oldIndexName, newIndexName=""):
19    # Other parts of the code...
21# Execution section
22if __name__ == "__main__":
23    createIndex("index_to_migrate")

Step 3: Migrate Full Data

Configure Logstash to migrate all existing data from the self-managed cluster to Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch.

Logstash Configuration for Full Data Migration:

# Enter the Logstash configuration directory
cd ~/logstash-7.10.0/config

# Create a new configuration file
vi es2es_all.conf

# Input the following configuration settings
input {
    elasticsearch {
        # Configuration for the source cluster
filter {
    mutate {
        remove_field => ["@timestamp", "@version"]
output {
    elasticsearch {
        # Configuration for the destination cluster

# Start Logstash to begin full data migration
nohup bin/logstash -f config/es2es_all.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Step 4: Migrate Incremental Data

Post full migration, configure Logstash for ongoing incremental data migrations.

# Use a similar Logstash configuration as in Step 3, but specify a query for incremental data and setup a schedule.

input {
    elasticsearch {
        # Configuration for the source cluster
        query => '{"query": {"range": {"@timestamp": {"gte": "now-5m","lte": "now/m"}}}}'
        schedule => "* * * * *"
# Other filters and outputs remain the same.

Step 5: Validate Migration Results

Verify the migration by comparing the data on both clusters, ensuring consistency and completeness in the Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster.

# Query to check data on both source and destination clusters
GET /_cat/indices?v
POST /_search

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