The MQTT protocol is an asynchronous communication model based on pub/sub, and is not applicable for scenarios where the server sends instructions to the device and the device responds with the results.
Alibaba Cloud IoT platform has developed a request and response synchronization mechanism based on the MQTT protocol, enabling simultaneous communication without modifying the MQTT protocol. The application server initiates a revert-RPC through the POP API. The IoT device only needs to reply to the pub message in a fixed format within the timeout, and the server can synchronously obtain the response from the IoT device.
The pub/sub procedure can be visualized as follows:
Request: /sys/${productKey}/${deviceName}/rrpc/request/${messageId}
Response: /sys/${productKey}/${deviceName}/rrpc/response/${messageId}
$ is a variable that varies from devices
The messageId is the message ID generated by the IoT platform, and the messageId in the responseTopic of the device is consistent with the requestTopic.
The device needs to subscribe:
The running device receives the topic:
After receiving the message, reply to the topic within the timeout:
const mqtt = require('aliyun-iot-mqtt');
//Device property
const options = require("./iot-device-config.json");
//Establish the connection
const client = mqtt.getAliyunIotMqttClient(options);
client.on('message', function(topic, message) {
handleRrpc(topic, message)
function handleRrpc(topic, message){
topic = topic.replace('/request/','/response/');
console.log("topic=" + topic)
//Normal revert-RPC, responding to the payload customization
const payloadJson = {code:200,msg:"handle ok"};
client.publish(topic, JSON.stringify(payloadJson));
const co = require('co');
const RPCClient = require('@alicloud/pop-core').RPCClient;
const options = require("./iot-ak-config.json");
//1. Initialize the client
const client = new RPCClient({
accessKeyId: options.accessKey,
secretAccessKey: options.accessKeySecret,
endpoint: '',
apiVersion: '2017-04-20'
const payload = {
"msg": "hello Rrpc"
//2. Construct a request
const params = {
RequestBase64Byte:new Buffer(JSON.stringify(payload)).toString("base64"),
co(function*() {
//3. Initiate an API call
const response = yield client.request('Rrpc', params);
Revert-RPC response:
"MessageId": "1037292594536681472",
"RequestId": "D2150496-2A61-4499-8B2A-4B3EC4B2A432",
"PayloadBase64Byte": "eyJjb2RlIjoyMDAsIm1zZyI6ImhhbmRsZSBvayJ9",
"Success": true,
"RrpcCode": "SUCCESS"
// PayloadBase64Byte decoding: {"code":200,"msg":"handle ok"}
Note: Thing model InvokeThingService is not a revert-RPC
const mqtt = require('aliyun-iot-mqtt');
//Device property
const options = require("./iot-device-config.json");
//Establish the connection
const client = mqtt.getAliyunIotMqttClient(options);
client.on('message', function(topic, message) {
handleRrpc(topic, message)
* If there are multiple synchronous invocation services, they should be distinguished by the method in the payload.
function handleRrpc(topic, message){
topic = topic.replace('/request/','/response/');
console.log("topic=" + topic)
//Thing model, synchronous service invocation, response payload structure:
const payloadJson = {
data: {
currentMode: Math.floor((Math.random() * 20) + 10)
client.publish(topic, JSON.stringify(payloadJson));
Note: The payload of the device-response must satisfy the output parameter structure defined in the thing model.
const co = require('co');
const RPCClient = require('@alicloud/pop-core').RPCClient;
const options = require("./iot-ak-config.json");
//1. Initialize the client
const client = new RPCClient({
accessKeyId: options.accessKey,
secretAccessKey: options.accessKeySecret,
endpoint: '',
apiVersion: '2018-01-20'
const params = {
ProductKey: "a1gMu82K4m2",
DeviceName: "h5@nuwr5r9hf6l@1532088166923",
Args: JSON.stringify({ "mode": "1" }),
Identifier: "thing.service.setMode"
co(function*() {
try {
//3. Initiate an API call
const response = yield client.request('InvokeThingService', params);
} catch (err) {
Result of the call:
"Result": "{\"currentMode\":12}",
"MessageId": "1536145625658"
"RequestId": "29FD78CE-D1FF-48F7-B0A7-BD52C142DD7F",
"Success": true
To learn more about Alibaba Cloud IoT Platform, visit
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