Community Blog Practical Exercises for Docker Compose: Part 5

Practical Exercises for Docker Compose: Part 5

This set of tutorials focuses on giving you practical experience on using Docker Compose when working with containers on Alibaba Cloud.

By Alwyn Botha, Alibaba Cloud Tech Share Author. Tech Share is Alibaba Cloud's incentive program to encourage the sharing of technical knowledge and best practices within the cloud community.

This set of tutorials focuses on giving you practical experience on using Docker Compose when working with containers on Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS).

Part 4 of this series looked at some productivity tips and best practices of running Docker compose limits. In the final part of this series, we will talk about parallelism in Docker containers and conclude our tutorial series.

Deploy: update_config: parallelism

Parallelism configures how quickly a service should be updated. Containers started up fresh / new are started as quickly as possible. New containers do not use this update_config settings.

Therefore to play with this and test it, we need a set of already running containers so that we can observe the UPDATE parallelism process.

First off parallelism = 1 ( the default ).

Add the following to your docker-compose.yml using

nano docker-compose.yml  
version: "3.7"
    image: alpine:3.8
    command: sleep 600

      replicas: 6

        parallelism: 1


docker stack rm mystack
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml  mystack
docker ps -a

And around 3 seconds later, we now have 6 containers running. This first docker stack deploy we ran ignored the parallelism option.

Unfortunately, if we just rerun docker stack deploy, we still will not see the parallelism option in action. Docker is too clever - it reads the docker-compose.yml file and see that nothing changed, so it does not update and containers in our mystack.

To prove this, start another console command session and run docker events

Back at the original shell, run 3 times

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml  mystack

Observe the other console output:

Expected output :

2018-11-08T12:48:34.385699607+02:00 service update qdzqiek7c59mkxznatszsh13j (name=mystack_alpine)
2018-11-08T12:48:37.423780596+02:00 service update qdzqiek7c59mkxznatszsh13j (name=mystack_alpine)
2018-11-08T12:48:39.804717121+02:00 service update qdzqiek7c59mkxznatszsh13j (name=mystack_alpine)

The service gets updated 3 separate times but no stopping and no starting of fresh containers.

Therefore to force an update we need to make a change to docker-compose.yml

Easiest change: just add a digit to back of the sleep 600.

Do this now, and rerun

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml  mystack

Observe the other console output - not shown here.

LOTS of activities: new containers created and old ones killed.

If you run docker ps -a, you will see the new containers at the top and the exited ones below. See that I changed sleep to 6001.

 CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                       PORTS               NAMES
bafa8e4e1d62        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6001"        21 seconds ago      Up 4 seconds                                     mystack_alpine.5.mtw5rzfpyd6dwnh9mez7p7hlk
a80b531eff59        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6001"        21 seconds ago      Up 4 seconds                                     mystack_alpine.6.nl9culv3otymevgjufamkkwld
fa45c52b0825        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6001"        21 seconds ago      Up 4 seconds                                     mystack_alpine.1.oe2d85c55uf1qlbvv1pozcsgx
2565cfbda1db        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6001"        21 seconds ago      Up 5 seconds                                     mystack_alpine.4.5zaqrvwv32ou8vmdvnbu21qtn
b69ceeaf69a1        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6001"        21 seconds ago      Up 5 seconds                                     mystack_alpine.2.utc38k1pg124zx65ae1s8qo5g
9669904d0bb1        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6001"        21 seconds ago      Up 4 seconds                                     mystack_alpine.3.zbltrdwmk0omxtkywuwhlw9ub
dc8566cc12ae        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         9 minutes ago       Exited (137) 8 seconds ago                       mystack_alpine.3.bi13jj6v7f2s3b31yc6k9dmf0
9d385bfd3565        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         9 minutes ago       Exited (137) 8 seconds ago                       mystack_alpine.6.g8w5a0fe0ufcum2y2lhd0i1dq
58f14d78f436        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         9 minutes ago       Exited (137) 8 seconds ago                       mystack_alpine.1.zotzhrpqblzzyo62urafwgzcs
2090bb37bb31        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         9 minutes ago       Exited (137) 8 seconds ago                       mystack_alpine.2.loezk57p62tkfohgzbh1tc1j8
c8df0b31e188        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         9 minutes ago       Exited (137) 8 seconds ago                       mystack_alpine.4.619ms1rkhar35un6x4g5ulc3h
c85a0f2db1e0        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         9 minutes ago       Exited (137) 8 seconds ago                       mystack_alpine.5.odw21g73i1p62s90lpj1936xv

We just witnessed container updates happening. However, the purpose of this part of the tutorial is to show how parallelism works:

Stop previous docker events command in your other console and enter this:

docker events  --filter event=create  --filter event=kill

Make any digit change to sleep time in docker-compose.yml


docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml  mystack

Repeatedly run docker ps -a in first console. After a minute the update process will be done.

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED              STATUS                            PORTS               NAMES
84da4828fea3        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6002"        3 seconds ago        Created                                               mystack_alpine.4.ludkp9e9ec63tf27n05j2h8rt
99d63687086c        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6002"        18 seconds ago       Up 3 seconds                                          mystack_alpine.1.zbfm2q2403wg5f0626dlodab4
5d4ac8f2ae15        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6002"        32 seconds ago       Up 17 seconds                                         mystack_alpine.5.oadzbajbcr6l1rms28kb23xux
350971f0734e        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6002"        47 seconds ago       Up 32 seconds                                         mystack_alpine.2.lxggijot4518tj0xl3bi36eay
95f6fcc3c898        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6002"        About a minute ago   Up 46 seconds                                         mystack_alpine.6.qgje7g5r7e7e24neuqiafip0g
960174cdab88        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6002"        About a minute ago   Up About a minute                                     mystack_alpine.3.v9zm2yipmvjzb673da8sbryh1

You get about one new container every 10-15 seconds. This is what you get with parallelism = 1.

Investigate the second console output: docker events

You will see: 1 new container created, 1 old container killed - and so on for all 6 containers.

To speed this update process up, lets increase parallelism to 3 in our docker-compose.yml

nano docker-compose.yml

parallelism: 3


docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml  mystack

If you run docker ps -a you will see the new containers at the top and the exited ones below. See that I changed sleep to 6003.

You will immediately see 3 containers created at the top and the remaining 3 created 15 seconds later.

So surely the perfect ideal is parallelism: 6 ? Update all 6 in one go.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. If you have a failing update you will have 6 failed new containers and 6 previous perfectly running containers have all exited.

Fortunately max_failure_ratio and failure_action deals with such problem cases. We'll discuss more about this topic in the next section.

Deploy: update_config: failure_ratio and failure_action

You can use these 2 settings to lessen the damage caused by failed updates.

failure_ratio specifies which percent failure to tolerate: Syntax: 0.1 means 10 percent.
failure_action: Specifies what to do if an update fails. continue, rollback, or pause (default: pause).

Right now we still have our previous containers running. We are going to update that with 6 new containers that each fail immediately.

Add the following to your docker-compose.yml using

nano docker-compose.yml  
version: "3.7"
    image: alpine:3.8
    command: exit 1

      replicas: 6


        parallelism: 1
        max_failure_ratio: 0
        failure_action: pause

Note the command is exit 1 - meaning exit with error response code 1.

Default failure_action is pause but we include it anyway.

Use your other console command session and run docker events

Deploy these failing containers:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml  mystack

Run docker ps -a - after around 30 seconds you will see this:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
cbcaf8fce479        alpine:3.8          "exit 1"            6 seconds ago       Created                                 mystack_alpine.2.zvk1x6hevpt3x0q6aha0616sx
3ce0f3bca6c8        alpine:3.8          "exit 1"            12 seconds ago      Created                                 mystack_alpine.2.hyikxli7cwuk0xauaqw87epu0
4ae02b292f54        alpine:3.8          "exit 1"            18 seconds ago      Created                                 mystack_alpine.2.lseuovn0g4imn75q1eufnyfx9
1ea70f30f397        alpine:3.8          "exit 1"            24 seconds ago      Created                                 mystack_alpine.2.tfwagwvevh9vdxyne7cfy41fa
2eeef13d4240        alpine:3.8          "exit 1"            30 seconds ago      Created                                 mystack_alpine.2.n5qny1d5sbwah7fgsa83eabat
b926e22199d1        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6003"        21 minutes ago      Up 20 minutes                           mystack_alpine.5.w3ll2y30r1b75137fbbqak1rf
248f8ffe019e        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6003"        21 minutes ago      Up 20 minutes                           mystack_alpine.1.62dpe6cgrtmkercmn2bdlo3j3
815143b43f11        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6003"        21 minutes ago      Up 21 minutes                           mystack_alpine.4.enk3mweaht4zqre0jehm2nyn1
c13461b6f58c        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6003"        21 minutes ago      Up 21 minutes                           mystack_alpine.3.9jfg8kc1l0ps6km6hv5wlzddc
f2dc173cbf21        alpine:3.8          "sleep 6003"        21 minutes ago      Up 21 minutes                           mystack_alpine.6.8mo8t73z58jbf1e9vhvzjup53

6 new containers are created at top of list, but 6 old containers are still running below. But since new containers are not running - they are in created state only.

Observe the events console - Docker is continually destroying and recreating these new containers in order to get them to be 'running'. Clearly pause does not pause.

Cleanup all those containers: ( prune deletes containers that stack rm missed. Yes that happens often unfortunately. )

docker stack rm mystack
docker container prune -f

Pause does not work as I expected. Let's test failure_action: rollback

To test failure_action: rollback we need to start fresh:

  1. create 6 working containers
  2. create docker-compose.yml that contains 6 exit = 1 error containers
  3. set failure_action to rollback
  4. run deploy stack and observe results.

Add the following to your docker-compose.yml using

nano docker-compose.yml 
version: "3.7"
    image: alpine:3.8
    command: sleep 600

      replicas: 6

Deploy the working containers:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml  mystack

To create 6 error containers: Add the following to your docker-compose.yml using

nano docker-compose.yml  
version: "3.7"
    image: alpine:3.8
    command: exit 1

      replicas: 6


        parallelism: 1
        max_failure_ratio: 0
        failure_action: rollback

Deploy the error containers:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml  mystack      

Observe results: run docker ps -a repeatedly for around 30 seconds:

Carefully observe the first 3 containers to see if you can determine what is happening.

docker ps -a

Here is my final results:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                        PORTS               NAMES
c2d1ae806906        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         25 seconds ago      Up 22 seconds                                     mystack_alpine.2.soht49wefpwm1nvm1gbl7ru1l
455a5907758a        alpine:3.8          "exit 1"            40 seconds ago      Created                                           mystack_alpine.2.yr0zkfu9n40s0rbezfhjtl6yu
3c254ba9a72b        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         2 minutes ago       Exited (137) 26 seconds ago                       mystack_alpine.2.04g1vrnoomagvv89aobbbzmxz
b635a1e52147        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes                                      mystack_alpine.1.gibfdph75s0o46s5h3x96csm2
0ac32ac0ad34        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes                                      mystack_alpine.3.oxs3mjm7vp3c6jbc1kj2kz990
33554d287fe9        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes                                      mystack_alpine.5.ds3lra1qvr9y8e8b1xi2cn5c0
f381b1250167        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes                                      mystack_alpine.4.t4gv1gor6aul3b53ei6pcxu5e
fd97395ba2ac        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes                                      mystack_alpine.6.n1nshrlnywqcrvn5u2x93nr10

First the new container is created:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED              STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
455a5907758a        alpine:3.8          "exit 1"            7 seconds ago        Created                                 mystack_alpine.2.yr0zkfu9n40s0rbezfhjtl6yu

Around 5 seconds later one old container is exited.

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED              STATUS                       PORTS               NAMES
3c254ba9a72b        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         About a minute ago   Exited (137)

Then Docker determines the new container cannot progress into running state so it recreates / rolls back one container with the previous settings in docker-compose.yml

This container is listed right at the top. See status: up 22 seconds; it is working.

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                        PORTS               NAMES
c2d1ae806906        alpine:3.8          "sleep 600"         25 seconds ago      Up 22 seconds                                     mystack_alpine.2.soht49wefpwm1nvm1gbl7ru1l

Slowly scroll through your output and see if the same thing happened on your computer.

Rollback works great.

Conclusion: the settings below is useful in production.

  1. Only update one container at a time.
  2. Tolerate no failures.
  3. Rollback on failure.

        parallelism: 1
        max_failure_ratio: 0
        failure_action: rollback         

Deploy: update_config: monitor

From https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#update_config

monitor: Duration after each task update to monitor for failure (ns|us|ms|s|m|h) (default 0s).

There are no exercises here, but this setting is important.

As you just read its the duration after container update to monitor for failure.

Your application in the container must have sufficient time to do some work before Docker can test it for failure.

The default duration value of 0 seconds is not suitable for practical purposes. This is useful only to ensure that the container start up successfully.

Let's assume you run a web server inside the container. Further assume one website visit per minute. So to have monitor set at 1 minute is probably too frequent. Instead, you could set it at least 5 minutes - to give it opportunity to crash before you test for failure.

You must determine an appropriate monitor duration value for your applications at your workplace.

Health checks are similar to asking the question: can I ping it?

These monitor for failure tests if the container as a whole crashes or not. They test whether the application in the container still work in the context of the other containers that it must cooperate with.

For example, if you deploy a new Apache version, but fail to ensure it can load all required modules, health check pings and wgets of text html pages will work perfectly, but the moment php + Mysql pages need to be served it will crash.

That is why you should give your application in the newly updated container sufficient time to run before Docker can test it for failure.

We want to develop health checks that not only test connectivity, but also functionality.

Such health checks can then within seconds indicate an unhealthy new container - minutes before it gets ( and fails ) at processing real production work.

Parallelism Experiments Output

Below is some docker events output I gathered by experimenting with different parallelism settings: ( I output the events to /tmp and manipulated that file afterwards )

Two kill lines are for one container: signal 15; if not dead quickly enough: send signal 9

parallelism: 1

    cut -c1-60 /tmp/events | egrep 'create|kill'
    2018-11-03T10:01:35.148583578+02:00 container create 8b51499
    2018-11-03T10:01:37.840231366+02:00 container kill be8f3715a
    2018-11-03T10:01:37.865611953+02:00 container kill be8f3715a
    2018-11-03T10:01:39.886188372+02:00 container create a38781a
    2018-11-03T10:01:42.572866743+02:00 container kill e498e5f5f
    2018-11-03T10:01:42.598606635+02:00 container kill e498e5f5f
    2018-11-03T10:01:44.423905486+02:00 container create 64ae4c0
    2018-11-03T10:01:47.123993008+02:00 container kill 914343611
    2018-11-03T10:01:47.146988704+02:00 container kill 914343611
    2018-11-03T10:01:48.972005129+02:00 container create b37cef5
    2018-11-03T10:01:51.642712373+02:00 container kill 92619e0a6
    2018-11-03T10:01:51.667003244+02:00 container kill 92619e0a6
    2018-11-03T10:01:53.497100262+02:00 container create 8a73470
    2018-11-03T10:01:56.163374613+02:00 container kill 420dc4d89
    2018-11-03T10:01:56.188237090+02:00 container kill 420dc4d89
    2018-11-03T10:01:58.000843644+02:00 container create 41b4480
    2018-11-03T10:02:00.699576981+02:00 container kill c8f4d973c
    2018-11-03T10:02:00.721565297+02:00 container kill c8f4d973

parallelism: 2

    cut -c1-60 /tmp/events | egrep 'create|kill'
    2018-11-03T10:08:47.299682233+02:00 container create 6f1df52
    2018-11-03T10:08:47.567222566+02:00 container create ea9bf95
    2018-11-03T10:08:49.943237084+02:00 container kill 8b51499ad
    2018-11-03T10:08:49.958679991+02:00 container kill 64ae4c05c
    2018-11-03T10:08:49.977677725+02:00 container kill 8b51499ad
    2018-11-03T10:08:49.997521920+02:00 container kill 64ae4c05c
    2018-11-03T10:08:52.539334772+02:00 container create cdbbef8
    2018-11-03T10:08:52.812900162+02:00 container create 16e1af2
    2018-11-03T10:08:55.157361545+02:00 container kill b37cef51e
    2018-11-03T10:08:55.169221551+02:00 container kill 8a73470b2
    2018-11-03T10:08:55.193477357+02:00 container kill b37cef51e
    2018-11-03T10:08:55.207277169+02:00 container kill 8a73470b2
    2018-11-03T10:08:57.830146930+02:00 container create 0ab17e5
    2018-11-03T10:08:57.949710902+02:00 container create 9cc8547
    2018-11-03T10:09:00.233887111+02:00 container kill a38781a0f
    2018-11-03T10:09:00.257647812+02:00 container kill 41b4480ad
    2018-11-03T10:09:00.272834309+02:00 container kill a38781a0f
    2018-11-03T10:09:00.288598877+02:00 container kill 41b4480ad

parallelism: 3

    cut -c1-60 /tmp/events | egrep 'create|kill'
    2018-11-03T10:11:34.283896923+02:00 container create 8a0373b
    2018-11-03T10:11:34.583536405+02:00 container create 61cbe75
    2018-11-03T10:11:34.803563295+02:00 container create a2bd707
    2018-11-03T10:11:36.854815108+02:00 container kill cdbbef891
    2018-11-03T10:11:36.861978752+02:00 container kill 0ab17e57f
    2018-11-03T10:11:36.890035520+02:00 container kill ea9bf9502
    2018-11-03T10:11:36.899725135+02:00 container kill cdbbef891
    2018-11-03T10:11:36.905718703+02:00 container kill 0ab17e57f
    2018-11-03T10:11:36.922317316+02:00 container kill ea9bf9502
    2018-11-03T10:11:39.891013146+02:00 container create 7576427
    2018-11-03T10:11:40.238136177+02:00 container create a26d947
    2018-11-03T10:11:40.439589543+02:00 container create 53002e5
    2018-11-03T10:11:42.434787914+02:00 container kill 16e1af20f
    2018-11-03T10:11:42.445537379+02:00 container kill 9cc854731
    2018-11-03T10:11:42.485085063+02:00 container kill 9cc854731
    2018-11-03T10:11:42.490162686+02:00 container kill 16e1af20f
    2018-11-03T10:11:42.498272764+02:00 container kill 6f1df5233
    2018-11-03T10:11:42.547462663+02:00 container kill 6f1df523

parallelism: 6

    cut -c1-60 /tmp/events | egrep 'create|kill'
    2018-11-03T10:13:22.444286947+02:00 container create bb4b2db
    2018-11-03T10:13:22.838989116+02:00 container create a00d0b1
    2018-11-03T10:13:23.039740661+02:00 container create f1f9090
    2018-11-03T10:13:23.595395816+02:00 container create 568b219
    2018-11-03T10:13:23.824193225+02:00 container create 77d7d22
    2018-11-03T10:13:24.191986311+02:00 container create 1ea8ad8
    2018-11-03T10:13:25.105183046+02:00 container kill 8a0373b67
    2018-11-03T10:13:25.146410226+02:00 container kill 8a0373b67
    2018-11-03T10:13:25.150991208+02:00 container kill 53002e5b3
    2018-11-03T10:13:25.190384877+02:00 container kill 75764275f
    2018-11-03T10:13:25.204178523+02:00 container kill a2bd707bc
    2018-11-03T10:13:25.230797581+02:00 container kill a26d9476c
    2018-11-03T10:13:25.234104353+02:00 container kill 61cbe7540
    2018-11-03T10:13:25.252980697+02:00 container kill 53002e5b3
    2018-11-03T10:13:25.268581894+02:00 container kill 75764275f
    2018-11-03T10:13:25.283548856+02:00 container kill a2bd707bc
    2018-11-03T10:13:25.299920739+02:00 container kill a26d9476c
    2018-11-03T10:13:25.306631692+02:00 container kill 61cbe7540

Deploy: restart_policy

This configuration option specify how to restart containers when they exit.

The default value for condition is any: this means that container restarts on-failure or when it successfully exits.

restart_policy is applied only when deploying a stack in swarm mode.

restart is applied when deploying using docker-compose up - starting a single service.

To see how this works, we will successfully exit our container after a 3 seconds sleep. We expect the container to be restarted automatically.

Add the following to your docker-compose.yml using

nano docker-compose.yml  
version: "3.7"
    image: alpine:3.8
    command: sleep 3

      replicas: 1
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml  mystack

After running docker ps -a repeatedly for 25 seconds you will see the trend: container exits after 3 seconds and new one is automatically created to fill its place. The default restart_policy works as expected.

docker ps -a

Expected output after around 25 seconds:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
42738b793169        alpine:3.8          "sleep 3"           6 seconds ago       Up Less than a second                           mystack_alpine.1.wopmb7xzyakbftkwsk9eq0goo
95e00ae7c883        alpine:3.8          "sleep 3"           15 seconds ago      Exited (0) 7 seconds ago                        mystack_alpine.1.h0n7hh12bn4jgb35bozpirm9r
bac92d42ca3f        alpine:3.8          "sleep 3"           25 seconds ago      Exited (0) 16 seconds ago                       mystack_alpine.1.2xujcjgypj9kbdcwsw0g0ysw8
0998efbcba8f        alpine:3.8          "sleep 3"           34 seconds ago      Exited (0) 26 seconds ago                       mystack_alpine.1.puqpmp9u13ivqvclah5cmidgx

This will go on forever. Fortunately we can limit this restart max attempts.

max_attempts specifies how many times to attempt to restart a container before giving up (default: never give up)

Add the following to your docker-compose.yml using

nano docker-compose.yml  
version: "3.7"
    image: alpine:3.8
    command: sleep 2.22

      replicas: 1

        max_attempts: 3

Deploy this using:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml  mystack

If you run you will notice via repeated docker ps -a after 20 seconds that only 3 new containers get created. Then the auto restarting stops as expected.

You can also adjust how long to wait between restart attempts using delay.

Its default value is zero as you have seen: restarts happen immediately.

You can set this to any duration you desire. This tutorial will not cover this, but you are welcome to perform a quick test.

Finally there is also a window option:

window: How long to wait before deciding if a restart has succeeded, specified as a duration (default: decide immediately).

Feel free to test this on your own as well.

For an even more interesting exercise experiment with the interaction between delay and window.


This concludes this tutorial set, but only marks the start of your docker-compose training on Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS). You should now have a solid understanding and considerable practical experience of some docker-compose configuration options.

To learn more about Docker compose, visit the official documentation at https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/

Or check out Alibaba Cloud's Container Service to learn how you can reap the full benefits of containerization.

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