Community Blog Mastering Elasticsearch on Alibaba Cloud with Curl Commands and API Operations

Mastering Elasticsearch on Alibaba Cloud with Curl Commands and API Operations

This article provides a step-by-step guide along with code examples to help you query cluster information, create indexes and documents, and perform searches.


Open source Elasticsearch offers powerful RESTful API operations accessible via curl commands or Kibana console. This guide explains how to use curl commands and API operations to access and manage an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster.

Background Information

You can use curl commands for direct API calls or refer to the Kibana console documentation for further details.


  • An Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance running Linux in the same Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) as your Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster. For setup instructions, see Create an ECS instance using the wizard.

Accessing an Elasticsearch Cluster

Step 1: Connect to the ECS Instance

If you're using a common user:

ssh <your_username>@<ecs_instance_ip>

Step 2: Install Curl (if not already installed)

sudo yum install curl

Step 3: Access Your Elasticsearch Cluster

curl -u <user>:<password> http://<host>:<port>
  • <user>: Username for your Elasticsearch cluster, other than elastic.
  • <password>: Password for the Elasticsearch cluster.
  • <host>: Internal endpoint of the Elasticsearch cluster.
  • <port>: Default port number (9200).

Sample Command:

curl -u your_username:your_password http://es-cn-vxxxxx****.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com:9200

Querying Cluster Information

Query Health Status

curl -u <user>:<password> -XGET 'http://es-cn-vxxxxx****.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com:9200/_cat/health?v'

Query Indexes in the Cluster

curl -u <user>:<password> -XGET 'http://es-cn-vxxxxx****.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com:9200/_cat/indices?v'

Creating Indexes and Documents

Create an Index

curl -u <user>:<password> -XPUT 'http://es-cn-vxxxxx****.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com:9200/product_info'

Configure a Mapping for an Index

curl -u <user>:<password> -XPUT 'http://es-cn-vxxxxx****.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com:9200/product_info/_doc/_mapping?include_type_name=true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
 "_doc": {
   "properties": {
        "productName": {"type": "text", "analyzer": "ik_smart"},
        "annual_rate": {"type": "keyword"},
        "describe": {"type": "text", "analyzer": "ik_smart"}

Create a Single Document

curl -u <user>:<password> -XPOST 'http://es-cn-vxxxxx****.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com:9200/product_info/_doc/1?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
 "productName": "testpro",
 "annual_rate": "3.22%",
 "describe": "testpro"

Create Multiple Documents

curl -u <user>:<password> -XPOST http://es-cn-vxxxxx****.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com:9200/_bulk -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
{ "index" : { "_index": "product_info", "_type" : "_doc", "_id" : "1" } }
{ "index" : { "_index": "product_info", "_type" : "_doc", "_id" : "2" } }

Searching and Deleting Documents

Search for a Document

curl -u <user>:<password> -XGET 'http://es-cn-vxxxxx****.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com:9200/product_info/_doc/1?pretty'

Delete an Index

curl -u <user>:<password> -XDELETE 'http://es-cn-vxxxxx****.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com:9200/product_info'

For more information about additional commands, refer to the official open source Elasticsearch documentation.


Managing your Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster with curl commands and API operations offers a flexible and efficient way to handle your data. Ready to start your journey with Elasticsearch on Alibaba Cloud?
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