Community Blog [Infographic] Tech for Innovation | Alibaba Cloud Spring Launch 2024

[Infographic] Tech for Innovation | Alibaba Cloud Spring Launch 2024

To foster long-term AI growth, Alibaba Cloud is reducing the cost of essential public cloud products for international customers.

Alibaba Cloud is slashing the price of core public cloud products for international customers to support long-term AI growth, the company announced during its Spring Launch virtual summit on Monday.

The new pricing strategy covers five core public cloud product categories in markets outside mainland China, with an average price reduction of 23%.

Both existing and new customers who place orders through the platform’s official website can enjoy discounts of up to 59% on computing, storage, network, database and big data products.

Users of its popular database products can enjoy price cuts of up to 50% for its long-term packages, while big data products will offer cuts on one to three-year subscription plans by as much as 50%.

International customers using Alibaba Cloud’s cloud data transfer service can enjoy a 10-fold increase in free monthly usage under the pricing updates, with a transfer capacity of 200 GB, up from 20 GB.

AI for All

During the virtual summit, Alibaba Cloud also rolled out a series of features to lower AI adoption barriers for international customers.

For more information, check out the infographic below.


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