Community Blog [Infographic] Highlights | Database New Feature in January 2023

[Infographic] Highlights | Database New Feature in January 2023

Do you want to know what's new on database product in January? Check the infographic for details!

1. PolarDB for MySQL Kernel v8. Release

Values: Enhanced performance, easier archiving of cold data, improved ability to partition tables, and better ability to handle large tables.


2. RDS MySQL Instances With Cloud Disks Support Modifying Max Connections

Values: Provide customized parameter configurations to meet the requirements for special scenarios.


3. RDS PostgreSQL 15 Released

Values: You can experience the improvements and optimizations of the new version on the cloud as early as possible and apply them to your business to solve real problems.


4. MongoDB 4.0 and Later Verions Support Change Instance Billing Method From Subscription to Pay-As-You-Go

Values: Provide more flexible billing management operations


5. AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Lakehouse Edition (3.0) Released

Values: New warehouse Service, fusion online processing and batch analysis, lower cost but better experience


6. ClickHouse Supports Major Version Upgrade Through Effortless Instance Migration

Values: Easier upgrade across major versions



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