Community Blog How to Create Drupal Role with Ansible Playbook

How to Create Drupal Role with Ansible Playbook

In this article, you will get some information on the creation of Drupal role with Ansible Playbook.

In this article, you will get some information on the creation of Drupal role for further running of Ansible playbook.

Drupal Role

Create a new directory for "drupal" role and subdirectories for tasks.

mkdir -p roles/drupal/tasks

Now, create a new YAML file to write the tasks of "drupal" role.

nano roles/drupal/tasks/main.yaml

The Composer is used to manage the dependencies of a php-based project. Since we will be cloning the Git repository onto the server, we will require Composer to install the dependencies. Notice the "creates" keyword in the arguments. It simply verifies if the said file is created or not. The next task installs the Git.

Now that Git is installed, clone the Drush repository using the "git" module of the Ansible. Drush is a command line tool to install Drupal.

- name: clone Drush repository
    repo: https://github.com/drush-ops/drush.git
    version: "9.3.0"
    dest: /opt/drush

Create a soft link so that the Drush executable is called directly. The "file" module is used to create the soft links. Then install MySQL client. MySQL client is used by Drush to write the Drupal database.

- name: install mysql client
  package: name=mysql-client state=present

Create the directory to install Drupal. The "file" module is also used to create the directory.

- name: create the Drupal install directory
    path: "{{ drupal_site_path }}"
    state: directory

Clone the Drupal repository.

- name: clone Drupal repository
    repo: http://git.drupal.org/project/drupal.git
    version: "{{ drupal_version }}"
    dest: "{{ drupal_site_path }}"

Install the Drupal dependencies with the Composer.

- name: install Drupal dependencies with Composer
  shell: composer install
    chdir: "{{ drupal_site_path }}"
    creates: "{{ drupal_site_path }}/vendor/autoload.php"

Use Drush executable to install Drupal. We have used Ansible variables for providing the website name and the administrator credentials in the variable file.

- name: install Drupal
  shell: drush si -y --site-name="{{ drupal_site_name }}" --account-name={{ drupal_admin_username }} --account-pass="{{ drupal_admin_pass }}" --db-url=mysql://{{ drupal_db_user }}:{{ drupal_db_pass }}@{{ hostvars['db-server']['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}/{{ drupal_db_name }}
    chdir: "{{ drupal_site_path }}"
Finally, set the proper ownership and permissions on Drupal directories and files.

- name: set proper ownership
    path: "{{ drupal_site_path }}"
    owner: www-data
    group: www-data
    recurse: yes

- name: set permissions on the settings file
    path: "{{ drupal_site_path }}/sites/default/settings.php"
    mode: 0744

- name: set permissions on files direcotry
    path: "{{ drupal_site_path }}/sites/default/files"
    mode: 0777
    state: directory
    recurse: yes

Save the file and exit from the editor. The role for installing the Drupal is also created. Since we have used some variable in the role we have created, let's add them in the global variable file we have created.

Edit the common global variables file.

nano group_vars/all.yaml

Append the following variables at the end of the line.

# Drupal Variables

drupal_version: 8.5.3
drupal_site_path: "/var/www/drupal"
drupal_site_name: "My Drupal Site"
drupal_admin_username: admin
drupal_admin_pass: StrongPass

Our Drupal website is now installed, but we will need to install NGINX web-server to expose the Drupal site to the internet. The last role "nginx" in our Ansible playbook will install the NGINX web-server along with optional SSL support by let's encrypt CA. The user can set the variable to true to generate the let's encrypt certificate in the global variables file. If the SSL cert is generated, then we will configure Drupal to be accessed from the domain name. Else, the Drupal site will be accessed from the IP address of the "web-server" instance.

For how to create Nginx role and run the playbook, please go to this tutorial.

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