Community Blog FAQ about the Purchase, Unsubscription, or Release of Elasticsearch Clusters

FAQ about the Purchase, Unsubscription, or Release of Elasticsearch Clusters

Are you making the most of your Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster? From purchasing to unsubscription or release, there may be a lot of questions.

When I purchase an Elasticsearch cluster, I performed an incorrect configuration. How do I modify the configuration after the cluster is created?

If you find that the configurations of your cluster do not meet your expectations after the cluster is created, you can refer to the methods provided in the following table to modify the configurations.

Configuration item Solution
Billing method If you purchased a pay-as-you-go cluster, you can switch the billing method of the cluster to subscription. For more information, see Change the billing method of a cluster from pay-as-you-go to subscription.
Version This configuration item can be modified if one of the following conditions is met:
- The version of the cluster that you purchased is V5.5.3, and you want to upgrade the version to V5.6.16.
- The version of the cluster that you purchased is V5.6.16, and you want to upgrade the version to V6.3.2.
- The version of the cluster that you purchased is V6.3.2, and you want to upgrade the version to V6.7.0.
For information about how to upgrade the version of a cluster, see Upgrade the version of a cluster. If your version upgrade does not meet the preceding conditions, we recommend that you unsubscribe from or release your cluster and purchase another cluster of the desired version.
Region You cannot modify this configuration item. We recommend that you unsubscribe from or release your cluster and purchase another cluster based on your business requirements.
Zone You can migrate nodes to the desired zone. For more information, see Migrate nodes in a zone.
Number of zones You cannot modify this configuration item. We recommend that you unsubscribe from or release your cluster and purchase another cluster based on your business requirements.
Specifications You can modify this configuration item. For more information, see Upgrade the configuration of a cluster.
Storage type You can modify this configuration item. For more information, see Upgrade the configuration of a cluster.
Cloud disk encryption You cannot modify this configuration item. We recommend that you unsubscribe from or release your cluster and purchase another cluster based on your business requirements.
Storage space per node You can modify this configuration item. For more information, see Upgrade the configuration of a cluster.
Number of data nodes You can modify this configuration item. For more information, see Upgrade the configuration of a cluster.
Network type, virtual private cloud (VPC), and vSwitch You cannot modify these configuration items. We recommend that you unsubscribe from or release your cluster and purchase another cluster based on your business requirements.
Username The default username is elastic. You cannot modify this configuration item. You can create a user in the Kibana console and grant the required permissions to the user. For more information, see Use the RBAC mechanism provided by Elasticsearch X-Pack to implement access control.
Password You can modify this configuration item. For more information, see Reset the access password for an Elasticsearch cluster.

For the configuration items that are not provided in the preceding table, check whether you can modify the items on the configuration upgrade or downgrade page. For more information, see Upgrade the configuration of a cluster and Downgrade the configuration of a cluster.

What are the mappings between versions on the Elasticsearch buy page and specific Elasticsearch versions?

Version on the buy page Specific version
8.13 8.13.4
8.9 8.9.1
8.5 8.5.1
7.16 7.16.2
7.10 7.10.0
7.7 7.7.1
6.8 6.8.6
6.7 6.7.0
6.3 6.3.2
5.6 5.6.16
5.5 5.5.3

If you have a self-managed Elasticsearch cluster, we recommend that you select a version that is nearest to the version of the cluster when you purchase an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster. For example, you can select a version whose minor version is nearest to that of your self-managed Elasticsearch cluster. If you do not have a self-managed Elasticsearch cluster, we recommend that you select the latest version.

When I purchase an Elasticsearch cluster, no VPCs are available. What do I do?

Check whether the RAM user that you use is granted the permissions to obtain the list of VPCs. For more information, see View the information about a RAM user. If the RAM user that you use is not granted the permissions, grant the permissions to the RAM user. For more information, see Create a custom policy.

When I purchase an Elasticsearch cluster, no vSwitches are available after I select a VPC, and the error message "vSwitch: may not be empty" is reported. What do I do?

The issue occurs because no vSwitches are available in the zone that you selected. To resolve this issue, go to the vSwitch page in the VPC console to check whether vSwitches are available in the selected zone. If no vSwitches are available in the selected zone, you must create a vSwitch. For more information, see Create a VPC with an IPv4 CIDR block.

After I unsubscribe from or release an Elasticsearch cluster, I purchase another cluster. Does the endpoint of the new cluster remain the same as that of the original cluster?

No, the endpoint of the new cluster is different from that of the original cluster. After you purchase the new cluster, we recommend that you modify the client code and unsubscribe from or release the original cluster to avoid service interruptions.

How do I unsubscribe from or release an Elasticsearch cluster?

  • For information about how to release a pay-as-you-go cluster or an expired subscription cluster, see Release a cluster.
  • To unsubscribe from an unexpired subscription cluster, perform the following operations:

Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. In the top navigation bar, choose Expenses > Orders. In the left-side navigation pane of the Expenses and Costs console, click Unsubscribe. On the Unsubscribe page, perform cluster unsubscription or order cancellation. For more information, see Methods for unsubscribing resources.

Can I purchase an Elasticsearch cluster that has only one node?

No, you cannot purchase an Elasticsearch cluster that has only one node. An Elasticsearch cluster must have a minimum of two data nodes. For more information, see Parameters on the buy page.

When I purchase an Elasticsearch cluster, resources of a specific category are sold out. What do I do?

Take one of the following measures:

  • Select another region.
  • Select another zone.
  • Select another category.

If the resources that you want to purchase are still unavailable after you take all of the preceding measures, try again later. Resources are dynamic. If resources are insufficient, Alibaba Cloud replenishes the resources at the earliest opportunity.

Why do I need to upgrade the data nodes with the specifications of 1 vCPU and 2 GiB of memory in Elasticsearch clusters at the earliest opportunity?

Data nodes with the specifications of 1 vCPU and 2 GiB of memory may affect the performance of Elasticsearch clusters. Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch no longer provides data nodes with such specifications since May 2021. Existing data nodes with such specifications can still be used. Data nodes with the specifications of 1 vCPU and 2 GiB of memory are suitable only for online learning and are not suitable for production environments. The service level agreement (SLA) does not apply to clusters that contain such data nodes. Therefore, we recommend that you upgrade your data nodes with the specifications of 1 vCPU and 2 GiB of memory at the earliest opportunity. For more information, see Upgrade the configuration of a cluster.

Why is an Elasticsearch cluster in the Initializing state for a long period of time after it is purchased?

A period of time is required before an Elasticsearch cluster can provide services after it is purchased. The period of time varies based on the specifications, data structure, and data volume of the cluster. In most cases, a few hours are required.

Do I need to purchase a Kibana node after I purchase an Elasticsearch cluster?

No, you do not need to purchase a Kibana node after you purchase an Elasticsearch cluster. When you purchase an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster, the value of the Kibana Node parameter is fixed as Yes. You can select the specifications of the Kibana node based on your business requirements. For more information, see Create an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster.

What do I do if I am unable to find the Elasticsearch cluster that I created?

Check whether the region that you selected in the top navigation bar of the Elasticsearch console is the region where your cluster resides. If the region that you selected is correct but you still cannot find your cluster, we recommend that you clear the browser cache or use an on-premises network.

In which scenarios do I need to purchase dedicated master nodes and client nodes for an Elasticsearch cluster?

You can use dedicated master nodes to perform operations on clusters, such as creating indexes, deleting indexes, tracking nodes, and allocating shards. The stability of dedicated master nodes is important to the health of clusters. We recommend that you purchase dedicated master nodes for your Elasticsearch cluster if you want to use the cluster in the following scenarios:

  • The loads of data nodes that are used as dedicated master nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster are heavy.
  • You want to use the Elasticsearch cluster in a data write scenario.
  • You have a high requirement for cluster stability.

Client nodes are used to forward all query and write requests received by an Elasticsearch cluster to data nodes and merge the query results of data nodes. If you want to use your Elasticsearch cluster in scenarios in which aggregate queries are required, we recommend that you purchase client nodes for the cluster. We recommend that you purchase client nodes and data nodes with the same specifications for your Elasticsearch cluster based on a ratio of 1:5. For example, if you purchase two client nodes for your Elasticsearch cluster, we recommend that you purchase 10 data nodes. A minimum of two client nodes must be purchased. For information about how to evaluate specifications and storage capacity for an Elasticsearch cluster, see Evaluate specifications and storage capacity.

What is the default username of the password that I specify when I purchase an Elasticsearch cluster?

The default username is elastic. You can also create a custom user. For more information, see Use the RBAC mechanism provided by Elasticsearch X-Pack to implement access control.

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