Community Blog Double 11 Sale: A Shopping Guide for the Best Alibaba Cloud Offer

Double 11 Sale: A Shopping Guide for the Best Alibaba Cloud Offer

This is a guide to the best Alibaba Cloud offers during the 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale.

By Kelvin Galabuzi

The Alibaba Cloud 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale has many offers that you can leverage to kickstart your cloud journey. This article will focus on some of the special offers across four categories: $1 USD offers and packages, coupons, special offers (up to 90% off), and free trial offers.

$1 USD Offers and Packages


Within the $1 USD offers, Alibaba Cloud has special discounted offers spanning five categories: Elastic Computing, Storage, Networking, Service and Security, and SMA and Middleware.

Elastic Computing

Network Enhanced Instance

For $1 USD, you can set up a high-performance cloud server with 4 CPU cores, 16GB of RAM, and 40 GB of system disk space. With such specifications, your business can handle demanding workloads, such as enterprise-grade web servers.

Simple Application Server

You can set up a Simple Application Server for your stand-alone web applications. This service provides ease of deployment and management of your web application using the built-in server provisioning and management features of Alibaba Cloud technologies. This year's cloud sale has an offer for a Simple Application Server with 2 CPU Cores, 4 GB of RAM, and an Internet traffic package of over 4 TB for $1 USD a month.

Elastic Desktop Service

The 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale offers a high-performance Elastic Desktop Service (EDS) instance with 4 CPU Cores, 16 GB of RAM, an 80 GB system disk, and a 40 GB data disk for $1 USD a month.


Hybrid Backup Recovery

You can backup various Alibaba Cloud workloads (such as ECS instances, on-prem virtual machines, files, etc.) with the Hybrid Backup Recovery service. The 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale offers this service with a storage capacity of 100 GB for $1 USD for six months.

Log Service

The 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale also offers an opportunity to set up an Alibaba Cloud Log Service to store and manage logs for your various services and applications with 20 capacity units for $1 USD for six months.


Global Accelerator

You can set up a Global Accelerator instance to improve the performance of your Internet applications globally for $1 USD a month.

Server Load Balancer

Server Load Balancer enables you to distribute traffic among your application servers evenly. You can set up an Application Load Balancer for $0.01 USD a year during the 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale.

Service and Security

Security Center

Security Center is an intelligent threat protection and management system for your Alibaba Cloud resources. During the 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale, you can set up the basic version of the product, which has the anti-virus protection feature, for $0.8 USD per server per month.

China Intellectual Property Consulting Service

During the 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale, you can receive one-on-one consulting services about China Intellectual Property to guide you while setting up your cloud resources on Alibaba Cloud for $0.1 USD.

SMS and Middleware

Direct Mail – 10K Emails

You can send notifications and batch emails without creating an email server, covering over 10,000 total messages for $1 USD for six months.

E-Mall Basic Edition

You can set up your website quickly and easily using the drag and drop editors on the Alibaba Cloud ShopALi product. Get started for $1 USD for one month.



Register an Individual Account

If you are a new user, you can register an individual account and receive a coupon worth $20 USD that you can use with other Alibaba Cloud services that are not covered in the 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale.

Register an Enterprise Account

If you are a company, you can register an Enterprise account and receive a coupon worth $50 USD that you can use with other Alibaba Cloud services that are not covered in the 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale.

Special Offers (up to 90% Off)

Burstable Instance-4C16G

During the 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale, you can set up a burstable instance with 4 CPU Cores, 16 GB of RAM, and 40 GB of storage space that can support varying workloads (such as web servers) for $1 USD.

ECS Gen 5 Instance

You can have access to an 80% discount to set up a high-performance general-purpose instance from a range of instance families (such as c5, g5, and r5), starting from $122.98 USD a year. These instances are well-known for serving up resource-intensive workloads to meet business requirements.

ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL

For your relational database requirements, you can set up a MySQL Alibaba Cloud-managed instance of the mysql.n2.meduim.1 instance type for $21.45 USD a month.

AsparaDB for Redis

For applications that require fast, stable, and highly available in-memory databases, you can set up a Redis 4.0/5.0 standard cloud-managed instance for $8.16 USD a month.

.COM Domain Name

During the 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale, you can purchase a .com domain name for $4.90 USD for a year.

SSL Certificates Service

SSL Certificates are recommended to enable you to add security to your web applications. During the 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale, you can purchase an SSL Certificate management and issuing service for $159.20 USD a year.

Web Application Firewall Pro

Web Application Firewall (WAF) enables you to protect your web applications from well-known security threats according to the OWASP Top 10 security threats. During the 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale, you can set up Web Application Firewall to protect your applications for just $239 USD a month.

Object Storage Service

Object Storage Service (OSS) enables you to store and access data on Alibaba Cloud from different locations worldwide. During the 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale, you can access 100 GB standard capacity and 100 GB outbound traffic for $9.02 USD for two years.

File Storage NAS

During the 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale, you can set up the File Storage NAS service to store files or data used by different Alibaba Cloud resources such as ECS instances. You can have a 100 GB storage capacity to use in six months for $9.90 USD.

Hybrid Backup Recovery

You can back up various Alibaba Cloud workloads (such as ECS instances, on-prem virtual machines, files, etc.) with the Hybrid Backup Recovery service. The 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale offers this service with a storage capacity of 500 GB for $9.90 USD for three months.

Alibaba Cloud Free Trial Services for New Users

In addition to the discounted offers, new users can try other Alibaba Cloud services for free:

  • Alibaba Cloud CDN: You can build a fast and scalable content delivery service (CDN) using Alibaba Cloud with up to 1 TB of traffic valid for three months.
  • Image Search: You can build an intelligent image search service to add to your e-commerce business products and drive sales.
  • ApsaraDB for Redis Enhanced Edition: You can build a fast, scalable, and stable in-memory database to add to your distributed application architecture and improve the speed of serving requests of your web applications. You can try this service free for 30 days.
  • PolarDB: You can set up a MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle compatible database instance for your relational database requirements using any of the available instance types for free.
  • Anti-DDoS Premium: During the 2021 Double 11 Cloud Services Sale, you can try the premium version of the Anti-DDoS protection product for free. It features over 1 Tbps mitigation capacity and uses artificial intelligence to mitigate attacks.
  • Web Application Firewall: You can protect your web applications for free with an origin server on Alibaba Cloud or another platform.
  • ApsaraVideo Live: You can set up a livestreaming platform for audio and video with over 1 TB traffic valid for three months free.
  • ApsaraDB for MongoDB: You can set up a three-node replica set for your no-SQL database requirements with 20 GB of storage and a MongoDB instance for free for 30 days.
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