Community Blog Configure MADlib for PolarDB to Realize the Database Machine Learning Function

Configure MADlib for PolarDB to Realize the Database Machine Learning Function

This article describes how to combine PolarDB with MADlib to provide PolarDB with a machine learning feature.


PolarDB's cloud-native computing-storage separation architecture features low-cost data storage, high-efficiency scalability, high-speed multi-machine parallel computing capabilities, and high-speed data search and processing. PolarDB is combined with computing algorithms to drive the output of business data and turn data into productivity.

This article describes how to combine PolarDB with MADlib to provide PolarDB with a machine learning feature.

The MADlib is undoubtedly a large and complete database machine learning library, including:

  • Deep Learning
  • Graph
  • Model Selection
  • Sampling
  • Statistics
  • Supervised Learning
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Unsupervised Learning

Install MADlib to PolarDB to Provide PolarDB with the Machine Learning Feature

In this example, pgcat is deployed in the PolarDB container.

Go to the PolarDB environment:

docker exec -it 67e1eed1b4b6 bash

Download MADlib rpm:


wget https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/MADlib/1.20.0/apache-MADlib-1.20.0-CentOS7.rpm

Install MADlib:

sudo rpm -ivh apache-MADlib-1.20.0-CentOS7.rpm

Load MADlib to the corresponding database of the PolarDB database (non-extension management):

/usr/local/MADlib/bin/madpack -s MADlib -p postgres -c [user[/password]@][host][:port][/database] install
/usr/local/MADlib/bin/madpack -s MADlib -p postgres install

Test the correctness of the MADlib installation:

/usr/local/MADlib/bin/madpack -s MADlib -p postgres install-check

Use MADlib:

[postgres@67e1eed1b4b6 ~]$ psql -h  
psql (11.9)  
Type "help" for help.  
postgres=# set search_path =MADlib, "$user", public;  
postgres=# \dT+  
                                                               List of data types  
 Schema |               Name                |           Internal name           | Size  | Elements |  Owner   | Access privileges | Description   
 MADlib | args_and_value_double             | args_and_value_double             | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __arima_lm_result                 | __arima_lm_result                 | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __arima_lm_stat_result            | __arima_lm_stat_result            | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __arima_lm_sum_result             | __arima_lm_sum_result             | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | assoc_rules_results               | assoc_rules_results               | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | bytea8                            | bytea8                            | var   |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | _cat_levels_type                  | _cat_levels_type                  | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | chi2_test_result                  | chi2_test_result                  | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | closest_column_result             | closest_column_result             | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | closest_columns_result            | closest_columns_result            | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __clustered_agg_result            | __clustered_agg_result            | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __clustered_lin_result            | __clustered_lin_result            | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __clustered_log_result            | __clustered_log_result            | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __clustered_mlog_result           | __clustered_mlog_result           | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | complex                           | complex                           | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __coxph_a_b_result                | __coxph_a_b_result                | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __coxph_cl_var_result             | __coxph_cl_var_result             | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | coxph_result                      | coxph_result                      | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | coxph_step_result                 | coxph_step_result                 | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | cox_prop_hazards_result           | cox_prop_hazards_result           | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __cox_resid_stat_result           | __cox_resid_stat_result           | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __dbscan_edge                     | __dbscan_edge                     | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __dbscan_losses                   | __dbscan_losses                   | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __dbscan_record                   | __dbscan_record                   | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | dense_linear_solver_result        | dense_linear_solver_result        | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __elastic_net_result              | __elastic_net_result              | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | _flattened_tree                   | _flattened_tree                   | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | f_test_result                     | f_test_result                     | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __glm_result_type                 | __glm_result_type                 | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | _grp_state_type                   | _grp_state_type                   | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | heteroskedasticity_test_result    | heteroskedasticity_test_result    | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | kmeans_result                     | kmeans_result                     | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | kmeans_state                      | kmeans_state                      | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | ks_test_result                    | ks_test_result                    | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | lda_result                        | lda_result                        | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | lincrf_result                     | lincrf_result                     | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | linear_svm_result                 | linear_svm_result                 | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | linregr_result                    | linregr_result                    | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | lmf_result                        | lmf_result                        | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __logregr_result                  | __logregr_result                  | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | marginal_logregr_result           | marginal_logregr_result           | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | marginal_mlogregr_result          | marginal_mlogregr_result          | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | margins_result                    | margins_result                    | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | matrix_result                     | matrix_result                     | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __mlogregr_cat_coef               | __mlogregr_cat_coef               | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | mlogregr_result                   | mlogregr_result                   | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | mlogregr_summary_result           | mlogregr_summary_result           | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | mlp_result                        | mlp_result                        | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __multinom_result_type            | __multinom_result_type            | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | mw_test_result                    | mw_test_result                    | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | one_way_anova_result              | one_way_anova_result              | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __ordinal_result_type             | __ordinal_result_type             | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | path_match_result                 | path_match_result                 | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | _pivotalr_lda_model               | _pivotalr_lda_model               | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | _prune_result_type                | _prune_result_type                | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __rb_coxph_hs_result              | __rb_coxph_hs_result              | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __rb_coxph_result                 | __rb_coxph_result                 | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | residual_norm_result              | residual_norm_result              | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | robust_linregr_result             | robust_linregr_result             | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | robust_logregr_result             | robust_logregr_result             | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | robust_mlogregr_result            | robust_mlogregr_result            | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | sparse_linear_solver_result       | sparse_linear_solver_result       | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | summary_result                    | summary_result                    | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __svd_bidiagonal_matrix_result    | __svd_bidiagonal_matrix_result    | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __svd_lanczos_result              | __svd_lanczos_result              | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __svd_vec_mat_mult_result         | __svd_vec_mat_mult_result         | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | svec                              | svec                              | var   |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | _tree_result_type                 | _tree_result_type                 | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | t_test_result                     | t_test_result                     | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | __utils_scales                    | __utils_scales                    | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | wsr_test_result                   | wsr_test_result                   | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 MADlib | xgb_gridsearch_train_results_type | xgb_gridsearch_train_results_type | tuple |          | postgres |                   |   
 public | vector                            | vector                            | var   |          | postgres |                   |   
(73 rows)  
postgres=#   \do+  
                                                    List of operators  
 Schema | Name |   Left arg type    |   Right arg type   |   Result type    |           Function            | Description   
 MADlib | %*%  | double precision[] | double precision[] | double precision | MADlib.svec_dot               |   
 MADlib | %*%  | double precision[] | svec               | double precision | MADlib.svec_dot               |   
 MADlib | %*%  | svec               | double precision[] | double precision | MADlib.svec_dot               |   
 MADlib | %*%  | svec               | svec               | double precision | MADlib.svec_dot               |   
 MADlib | *    | double precision[] | double precision[] | svec             | float8arr_mult_float8arr      |   
 MADlib | *    | double precision[] | svec               | svec             | float8arr_mult_svec           |   
 MADlib | *    | svec               | double precision[] | svec             | svec_mult_float8arr           |   
 MADlib | *    | svec               | svec               | svec             | svec_mult                     |   
 MADlib | *||  | integer            | svec               | svec             | svec_concat_replicate         |   
 MADlib | +    | double precision[] | double precision[] | svec             | float8arr_plus_float8arr      |   
 MADlib | +    | double precision[] | svec               | svec             | float8arr_plus_svec           |   
 MADlib | +    | svec               | double precision[] | svec             | svec_plus_float8arr           |   
 MADlib | +    | svec               | svec               | svec             | svec_plus                     |   
 MADlib | -    | double precision[] | double precision[] | svec             | float8arr_minus_float8arr     |   
 MADlib | -    | double precision[] | svec               | svec             | float8arr_minus_svec          |   
 MADlib | -    | svec               | double precision[] | svec             | svec_minus_float8arr          |   
 MADlib | -    | svec               | svec               | svec             | svec_minus                    |   
 MADlib | /    | double precision[] | double precision[] | svec             | float8arr_div_float8arr       |   
 MADlib | /    | double precision[] | svec               | svec             | float8arr_div_svec            |   
 MADlib | /    | svec               | double precision[] | svec             | svec_div_float8arr            |   
 MADlib | /    | svec               | svec               | svec             | svec_div                      |   
 MADlib | <    | svec               | svec               | boolean          | svec_lt                       |   
 MADlib | <=   | svec               | svec               | boolean          | svec_le                       |   
 MADlib | <>   | svec               | svec               | boolean          | svec_ne                       |   
 MADlib | =    | svec               | svec               | boolean          | svec_eq                       |   
 MADlib | ==   | svec               | svec               | boolean          | svec_eq                       |   
 MADlib | >    | svec               | svec               | boolean          | svec_gt                       |   
 MADlib | >=   | svec               | svec               | boolean          | svec_ge                       |   
 MADlib | ^    | svec               | svec               | svec             | svec_pow                      |   
 MADlib | ||   | svec               | svec               | svec             | svec_concat                   |   
 public | +    | vector             | vector             | vector           | vector_add                    |   
 public | -    | vector             | vector             | vector           | vector_sub                    |   
 public | <    | vector             | vector             | boolean          | vector_lt                     |   
 public | <#>  | vector             | vector             | double precision | vector_negative_inner_product |   
 public | <->  | vector             | vector             | double precision | l2_distance                   |   
 public | <=   | vector             | vector             | boolean          | vector_le                     |   
 public | <=>  | vector             | vector             | double precision | cosine_distance               |   
 public | <>   | vector             | vector             | boolean          | vector_ne                     |   
 public | =    | vector             | vector             | boolean          | vector_eq                     |   
 public | >    | vector             | vector             | boolean          | vector_gt                     |   
 public | >=   | vector             | vector             | boolean          | vector_ge                     |   
(41 rows)  




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