Community Blog Blogs of the Week – Ep. 3

Blogs of the Week – Ep. 3

Each week, we will select some premium blog content. Let’s take a look at the third Episode of Blogs of the Week.

The Alibaba Cloud community always strives towards making a more digitally connected world and easing your information technology challenges.

Each week, we will select some premium content, including the trending technologies, step-by-step tutorials, knowledge from industry professionals and important figures, and best practices with Alibaba Cloud customers.

Below are this week’s six recommended readings specially curated from Alibaba Cloud community authors:

1. Stemming the Money Laundering Tide: How You Can Comply with Fast-Changing AML Regulations

By Iain Ferguson

Money laundering is a particularly critical issue. This article introduces the practices different countries do to combat money laundering, and compares the traditional AML systems with newer generation developments such as the ZOLOZ Smart AML solution by Alibaba Cloud. Check out this article to learn how your organization can keep up to date with fast-changing AML regulatory and compliance requirements.

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2. Protecting ECS Instances with Bastionhost

By Jeremy Pedersen

Alibaba Cloud has a built-in Bastionhost Service which saves you the trouble of setting up your own server to do the job. Bastionhost also provides an amount of features to help you secure your servers. Check out this tutorials to learn how you can use Bastion Host to secure logon to your ECS instances.

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3. How to Set up and Configure a Sharded Architecture ApsaraDB for MongoDB Instance

By Kelvin Galabuzi

Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for MongoDB is a secure and elastically scalable MongoDB database service. This step-by-step tutorial introduces the features of ApsaraDB for MongoDB, different database partitioning strategies, sharding architecture, and explains how to set up and configure a shared architecture ApsaraDB for MongoDB Instance.

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4. Digital Intelligence Insight | Metaverse Going Viral: Opportunity or Risk?

By Gao Hongbing

Technology is changing business, life, and governance. Only by fully considering the negative impacts of technology can we guide ourselves to find solutions and ideas to deal with these negative impacts. Check out this article to listen to the author’s thoughts towards a few interesting questions about Metaverse, including is the Metaverse Secure? How Should We Discuss the Metaverse? What Interesting Thoughts Will the Metaverse Bring?

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5. Cloud-Native Encountering Hybrid Cloud: How to Balance between Change and Stability

By Hao Shuwei

A large number of enterprises deploy their businesses on the cloud in the hope of reducing the costs of technology development and O&M and enjoying instant services anytime and anywhere. Hybrid cloud and multi-cluster architectures have become the new normal for enterprises to migrate to the cloud. This article discusses the benefits of hybrid cloud and cloud-native multi-cluster architectures, and how cloud-native helps the evolution of hybrid cloud architecture.

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6. 3 Ways the Cloud Drives Financial Inclusion

By Alibaba Cloud Community

Alibaba Cloud helps financial service community drive a new wave of digital solutions to give everyone access to the financial products. Financial organizations can modernize their operations in the cloud, allowing them to develop and deploy new products to help promote widespread financial inclusion. Check out this article to learn how Alibaba Cloud helps financial service organizations scale and secure their products in the cloud.

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